
If your grades don't matter, you can afford to hire low-cost offshore with "limited" skills.

But if your grades do matter, you'll get what you pay for.

The professional writing we provide is difficult and time-consuming. It demands high-level compositional skills and a dedication to providing you with writing you can stand behind.

Assignment maven value pricing is based upon our guiding principle: We promise to deliver to you the best possible academic writing for your project.

Three factors influence our pricing on your project:

  1. Your deadline. We guarantee to meet it or beat it.
  2. The minimum number of pages required. We never come up short.
  3. Your academic level. We don't "under-write" or "over-write."
Note: Prices are in USD 1 page = 275 words
Urgency High School College Graduate Master Ph.D.
15 days $6 $8.50 $8.75 $9.25 $11.75
10 days $6.25 $8.75 $9.75 $10.25 $12.75
7 days $7.25 $9.25 $11.25 $11.75 $13.75
5 days $8.25 $10.25 $12.75 $13.25 $13.25
4 days $10.25 $11.75 $13.75 $14.75 $16.75
3 days $11.25 $12.75 $14.75 $16.25 $18.75
48 Hours $13.75 $14.75 $15.75 $17.75 $20.75
24 Hours $15.25 $16.75 $18.75 $20.25 $23.25
12 Hours $16.25 $17.75 $20.75 $22.75 $26.75
6 Hours $19.75 $20.75 $22.75 $25.25 $29.75
3 Hours $20.75 $22.75 $24.75 $32.75 $35.25

Total price $6

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We know you might need fast help with your paper, so our friendly Customer Support Team is on call 24/7, providing you with guidance as to the ordering process. We are waiting to hear from you any time!

Our Team

We know everything about the business we’re running. This is our daily job, our hobby, and our passion. Helping students to complete the new challenging assignments, our Team gets higher professionally and we can easily say “Yes! We can do your task!” because we have the years of experience.